Saturday, June 15, 2019

Idioms - Happiness and Sadness

A. Extreme happiness.

I’m thrilled to bits.
I am/feel on top of the world.
I’m on cloud nine. 
I’m over the moon.
I’m in seventh heaven.

B. Other happiness idioms.

Get a (real) kick out of something. 
Meaning: very much enjoy doing something (informal).
Example: I get a (real) kick out of going for a run first thing in the morning before anyone else. 

Do something for kicks.
Meaning: do something because it is exciting, usually something dangerous (informal.
Example: Sandra is keen to have a go at bungee jumping just for kicks.

Jump for joy.
Meaning: be very happy and excited about something that has happened
Example: Rowena jumped for joy when she heard that she’d won first prize.

Be floating/walking on air.
Meaning: be very happy about something good that has happened 
Example: I’ve been walking on air ever since Chris and I started going out together.

Something makes your day.
Meaning: something makes you feel very happy.
Example: it’s great to hear from you. It’s really made my day.

C. Sadness.

Out of sorts = slightly unhappy or ill.
Down in the dumps = unhappy (informal).
It’s not the end of the world = what has happened won’t cause any serious problems.
Just grin and bear it = accept a situation you don’t like because you can’t change it.
A misery guts = someone who complains all the time and is never happy (very informal).
Sour grapes = being jelous about something you can’t have 
Puts a damper on = stop an ocassion from being enjoyable (sometimes dampener is used instead of damper). 

Aussie Slank

Aussie = Australian
Barbie = barberque
Bickie = biscuit
Billy = a tin used by bushmen to boil tea, billy pot
Blowie = blow fly 
Brekkie = breakfast 
Brickie = bricklayer 
Bushie = bushman 
Chippie = Carpenter
Chrissie = Christmas 
Cocky = cockatoo farmer 
Cossie = swimwear 
Deli = meat 
Lolly = candy 
Mozzies = mosquitoes 
Nightie = women dress night 
Pollies = politician 
Possie = place / position 
Postie = postman/woman 
Pressie = gift / presents
Rellie = relatives / inlaw
Sickie = sick leave
Stubbie = small glass of beer 
Telly = television
Truckie = truck driver 
U-ie = u trurn 
Undies = underwear 
Vegies = vegetables
Amber fluid = beer
Ankle bitter = a small child
Arvo = afternoon
Ambo = ambulance
Aussie salute = swatting away flies
Banana bender = a person from Queensland
Bathers = swimming costume
Bitzer = a breed of dog
Bloke = man
Bogan = person who takes little pride in his appearance, spends his days slacking and drinking beer
Bottle shop = alchohol
Built like a brick shithouse = a really strong person
Budgie smugglers = male swimming attire
Cactus = dead
Chewie = chewing gum
Chokkie = chocolate
Chook = chiken
Chuck a sickie = to take the day off sick from work when you’re perfectly healthy
20 clicks = 20 kilometres away
Compo = workers compensation pay 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

First Term of AMEP

Last year I enrolled a course at Padstow Tafe called AMEP (Adult Migrant English Program) and I started on 15 October 2018.

It was a great experienced to have a new friends and met a great teachers. I did improved my English a little bit.

During my class I need to do a lot of assessment, some was very easy because I am familiar with it but some was very hard because it was new for me and I am not good at it.

But it is very good for me to really improve my English in every aspect especially in writing. I am not good at writing in English nor in Indonesian.

Surprisingly the best subject when I was at school was English subject and the worst is Indonesian subject. haha! weird right?

That’s true because writing in formal way is very hard in Indonesian language.

Anyway... I had a lot of fun learning English here in Tafe Australia and I feel grateful that I have this opportunity to join this program while not everyone got the same chance as I do.

I am very thankful that Australian government really care about their residents especially in education aspect. If you entitle to get the free course from government PLEASE take that opportunity so you can improve your self.

Btw, I post some  pictures from my galleries to give you some evidence how excited to have a lot of friends from other country.

Check it out!

This is me with my teacher Ezzah and my friends

This is with Ms Flora our Wednesday teacher

We brought our own food and sharing with our classmates

I love them all my (almost everyone) Chinese friends

This is Ms Mence our Thursday teacher and I like her.

Take more we-fie for a memorable moment.

Live Life Get Active - Presentation Outline

Welcome and Introduction
Greetings to the listeners (classmates)

The Point:  
1. What is Live Life Get Active?
Live Life Get Active is a free health and fitness classes for everyone.
2. Why is it free?
Because 14 million people in Australia are either obese or overweight.
When you have those issues, your health is impacted.
There are a lot of health issues if you are obese or overweight, such as: diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, sleep apnea and so on.  

3. Who is the sponsorship? 
They have two partners.
a. Commercial Partners: come from an array of sector, health, development, government, utilities, services, education to name a few.
b. Local Government Partners: come from local government areas. This is the key partnerships that make Live Life Get active possible.

4. What is the benefit?
Meet new people, practice your English speaking and listening, have new community, healthy, fitter, better people.

5. When and Where?
It depend on which area you would like to join. Normally they have 4 days classes, some have in the morning and the other have evening class.

6. How to join?
go to this website and register

7. Any Question?