Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Live Life Get Active - Presentation Outline

Welcome and Introduction
Greetings to the listeners (classmates)

The Point:  
1. What is Live Life Get Active?
Live Life Get Active is a free health and fitness classes for everyone.
2. Why is it free?
Because 14 million people in Australia are either obese or overweight.
When you have those issues, your health is impacted.
There are a lot of health issues if you are obese or overweight, such as: diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, sleep apnea and so on.  

3. Who is the sponsorship? 
They have two partners.
a. Commercial Partners: come from an array of sector, health, development, government, utilities, services, education to name a few.
b. Local Government Partners: come from local government areas. This is the key partnerships that make Live Life Get active possible.

4. What is the benefit?
Meet new people, practice your English speaking and listening, have new community, healthy, fitter, better people.

5. When and Where?
It depend on which area you would like to join. Normally they have 4 days classes, some have in the morning and the other have evening class.

6. How to join?
go to this website and register

7. Any Question?

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